Join The #ThankList 30 Day Challenge To Help End Hunger

I can definitely not take all the credit as to who I am today. There are contributing parties in my life that have really helped me decide on the person I want to be.

This is why I am contributing to the American Greetings #ThankList and #30daychallenge.

The holidays are a time to celebrate and thank the people who you love and cherish.

Join me in the #ThankList 30 day challenge + help end hunger through social media

American Greetings is partnering up with United Way Worldwide as a part of the #ThankList Campaign to give back during the season of gratitude.

For each hashtag #ThankList shared on social media, American Greetings will donate $1 to United Way Worldwide.ย 

Fund will be donated during this campaign will be allocated towards hunger prevention.ย 

My mother is the one person in the world that has helped shape me into the woman I have become. With my strict but loving upbringing from an amazing single mom, my sister and I never did without. She taught us to build an accountable work ethic and to be ambitious in our careers.

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There were always strict provisions what we were accountable for was always yaid out loud and clear. We learned responsibility and built trust.

Sometimes we broke that trust, but my mom was and is always there to catch my sister and I if we need her.

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I have always been a person that wants be the best version of themselves.

My mother is the biggest part of that.

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I discovered a few essential parts of maintaining a good life both fulfilling emotionally andย physically. Here are some practices that I began implementing in my life a couple of years ago andย once implemented has transformed my life.

  • Be a good and kind person. – Treat others as you would want to be treated. It is as simple as that. If everyone was just a little bit kinder to another person daily, I think we would see a large change in peoples attitudes.
  • Be honest. – People can see through the fake that some people put out there.
  • Meditate regularly. – I usually do this right before I go to sleep. I really love listening to guided meditations to help put me in the right mindset before sleep. There was
  • Keep a journal. – I keep a journal to work through tough issues I am going through. I almost consider journaling to be like therapy. You are getting your emotions out there and putting it on paper is pretty powerful. I also keep it for blog post inspiration and if I ever have the creative impulse to draw.
  • Be positive.ย  – This includes the people you surround yourself with. You want to surround yourself with people that will inspire you drive you to be a better more positive person.
  • Give back. – Volunteer or donate food or clothing to a foundation in need. I began this year by volunteering at a camp for Adult with different abilities over the Summer. By far one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.

The solution for the rudeness in theย world beginsย with reminding people to use 2 simples words. Thank You.ย 

Just think of it this way. Every Thank You can create a ripple effect! If you multiply that fact byย millions, this single act can createย a big change in the world. For the good!

Some coolย reasons to inspireย you…

Reason #1:ย How many times do you log on to your social media, to only find negative and news about hate, religion, women’s rights, racism, and war? This is an epidemic pushing us further and further away from one another. Quickly,ย we are becoming more disconnected.

Reasonย #2:ย I love researching. Seeking outย concrete facts to help with the decision making process can be an exciting experience. There is research that says, by just writing down on a piece of paper what you are grateful for you will trigger positive health benefits!

I bet you are NOW wonderingย how you can join the challenge!

You will create a ThankList (which is a list of people you want to thank to feel alive.) This is a list of people you want to express gratitude toward for helping to shape your life, and itโ€™s a step toward a world thatโ€™s just a little bit nicer.

How do you make this list? Itโ€™s easy.

Just tweet or post on Instagram or Facebook the names of the people for whom youโ€™re thankful.

And make sure to add the hashtag #ThankList.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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