How Podcasts Will Help Your Biz #PodcastBizSchool

I never went to business school. I never learned marketing or finance. I was a theatre nerd. To top it off. I was a Technical Theatre Nerd. I studied stage design and management in college.

I never even knew I wanted to be an online entrepreneur until about 2012 when Arts & Classy was born. 

How Podcasts Will Help Your Business #PodcastBizSchool

I have always been the creative โ€œhead-in-the-cloudsโ€ type. I like to stay tapped into my happy place to create the art, furniture, and blog posts I write. I am sure it is no surprise to you. 

With that being said, the idea of learning the basics of owning my own business and running a blog seemed really intimidating. During this time I had been contemplating going back to get my Masters Degree in business.

After talking to a few professionals, I decided the investment is not what I need right now. I changed my plan to attending blog conferences, taking e-courses, reading, and watching webinars. 

Instead of getting the formal education, as a blogger and DIY-er I have been doing all I can to learn from knowledgeable people that specialize in that field.

I read books, I read blogs about blogging, I try to absorb as much information as I can in my spare time.

Working in Los Angeles usually means you will get a job on the opposite of the side of town you live on. You end up  spending a lot of time in your car. If you are lucky you have a bluetooth connection in your car so you can stream music and the newest love of mine PODCASTS!

I discovered this weird PODCAST app on my iPhone that I had literally never opened until early 2014. Now I am devouring multiple podcast’s content daily. It helps me keep my cool driving in Los Angeles rush hour and distracts me from being in the car for too long.

Not only does it distract me, I feel like I have reclaimed time I had been losing all those years of driving prior to 2014.

I also love listening to them when I’m in the shower or putting on my make up in the morning. Prime time to absorb a little info to better yourself or your business.

I am a personal development fanatic and I love working on self improvement, so absorbing the information in this way has helped me retain it. Something about the redundancy of the info really begins to stick. Before it was flying over my head before in blog form.

Funny how that happens huh? One day it just clicks. The light bulb goes on.

I wanted to start an initiative share with as many people as I can to make the podcast app your new best friend. Learn how to better and build your business via podcasts form.

There is so much quality information out there from people with amazing accolades and life experience. This will help you navigate your business, marketing, blog, & finances better. Learn from their mistakes.

Here is a quality list of Podcasts that you should absolutely implement into your daily routine. 

  1. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
  2. Build Your Tribe with Chalene Johnson
  3. The School of Self Mastery with Adrienne Dorrison
  4. The Smart Passive Income Podcast with Patt Flynn
  5. Ask Pat with Pat Flynn
  6. The School of Greatness Podcast with Lewis Howes
  7. The #AskGaryVee Show with Gary Vaynerchuk
  8. The Entreleadership Podcast
  9. Entrepreneur On Fire with John Lee Dumas
  10. The Amazing Seller Podcast with Scott Voelker
  11. Freedom In The Fast Lane with Ryan Moran
  12. Fearless Careers : Stories & Skills For Success
  13. The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael Oโ€™Neal
  14. Your Virtual Upline Podcast: Personal Branding
  15. The Independent Podcast with Regina
  16. Being Boss : A Podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs 
  17. The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo
  18. The Public Speakerโ€™s Quick & Dirty Tips For Improving Your Communication Skills
  19. Seth Godinโ€™s Start Up School
  20. Social Media Marketing with Michael Stelzner

I would say that you should start with  picking one podcast to listen to. I recommend Build Your Tribe with Queen Chalene Johnson. I love her. Her podcast is a great way to start and it’s entertaining. I love her energy. She covers a lot of different areas of business online too.

Take it slow. You donโ€™t need to listen to all of these daily. Some of them have more shows weekly than others. Also, itโ€™s okay to play favorites. Even if you only begin listening to one of these podcasts regularly, you will take away much more information that you can possibly imagine.

There is one thing you MUST do when it comes to listening to podcasts.

Consider it your business 101 class.

Make sure you take notes. I keep a notebook with me at all times so I can jot down any notes or schedule in time to implement what I have learned. That is super important. You must schedule in time to implement what you have learned.

Step 1 – Listen.

Step 2 – Implement.

Your Homework: is to pick one podcast from the list above to listen to. Any episode you want to start with with a title or guest that piques your interest. Listen to 5 Episodes. 1 per day during your work week.

After implementing this new practice in your schedule I would love it if you reached out on social media with hashtag #podcastbizschool to share what you have learned!

Do you listen to any of these podcasts already? OR do you know of another podcast not on this list that is Biz related? Let me know in the comments below.

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One Comment

  1. I think of podcasts as my business school too! I listen to a lot of these, but there are def some new ones I can add to my list. I like your point about taking notes. I need to do that.

    You might also like the Food Blogger Pro podcast. Obviously, you’re not a good blogger (me either), but I find the contebt very relevant to the diy niche. And the host, Bjork, is very likable in a Pat Flynn sorta way ๐Ÿ™‚

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