
Vintage Glam Modern Kitchen Inspiration #30DayFlip

#30DayFlip April Challenge Rental Kitchen Makeover - Before and Inspiration via www.artsandclassy.com

Happy #30DayFlip! I am trying to conquer my vintage kitchen and turn it into a vintage glam modern kitchen without hurting my deposit with I go to move down the road. AND… Even though I am sick with an annoying cold this weekend, it wasn’t going to stop me from starting to figure out what my plan is for this 30-day makeover on my vintage kitchen.

My hope is that with a little TLC, style, savvy shopping, and some diy projects, this vintage kitchen can be transformed into a vintage glam modern kitchen that has a cohesive and classy feeling too it.

First, I went to Pinterest to do some research to figure out what types of projects and modifications were achievable with what I already have. You can find my Arts & Classy boardย below if you want to follow me.

Follow Meredith Greenberg’s board Arts & Classy – Do It Yourself Home Decor and Inexpensive Interior Design on a Budget on Pinterest.


Second, I went to my favorite photo blog graphic creating website canva.comย to put together my ideas into one place with a digital mood board. I am pretty excited at the thought of my little rental kitchen giving off a classier feel when I come home.

Check out my #30dayflip Vintage Glam Rental Kitchen Inspiration Mood Board for my next room makeover in April via www.artsandclassy.com

I want it to be more inviting and aesthetically pleasing. I want to feel more like home and not like my “rental” ย home. Wish me luck on my quest to make this kitchen into something more pleasing to the eye. *I will be documenting my process along the way using the hashtag #30DayFlip on social media.*

If you aren’t already following me on Social Media, you can find me here:

Facebookย :ย Twitterย :ย Instagramย :ย Google+ย :ย Pinterest

I hope you enjoy following my journey and at the end on May 2ndย l I will be showcasing not only my after photos, but Jeanette at Snazzy Little Thingsย (super talented blogger, you should follow her as well as she takes on her family room) and 30 of our talented readers areย participating in the challenge!!!!!

Stay tuned for greatness and prizes!!

What do you think of my mood board?

Keep it Classy, Meredith

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  1. You have great plans! I am excited to see how you update your rental kitchen…rentals are the hardest, but I know you will keep it chic.

    1. Thank you so much Jess! I hope to make it look as cool as my mood board! eekkk!! I love the plans you have going on over at Domicile 37. The eclectic bedroom will look amazing I am sure. Your master bedroom turned out so great!

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