Blogging is such a fun hobby now turned side income for me.

I am always piling myself with entrepreneurial business & online marketing books, blogs about blogging, and Pinterest to absorb as much info as I can about the art of it. I decided to create a page to share some of what I have learned! Enjoy.

I am sure you have the dream of making a full-time income on your blog or website like I do.

I am still pushing along in my journey, always looking at what’s ahead of me. If find that you are on this page, doing the same, I would love to connect. Please email me [email protected]. Networking with other bloggers and creating a sense of community is something I never knew would be so important.

A new editorial blogging planner by Regina at was just released and just in time for the new year. I am a huge fan of because she really knows her stuff and her content is fantastic. She truly an example and a standard that everyone should be striving for. I just recently ordered her EPIC BLOG Editorial Planner for the year and I am in love. It is really helping me stay organized.

How-I-am-making-money-with-this-awesome-editorial-planner-1150x738 copy

**I plan to write a post about this book as I use it more to share the effectiveness. If you want to check it out for yourself, it is being sold on Amazon with the availability of prime shipping etc.

Also, if you are looking to do some research, please see some of my blogging-related posts below. Click on the images to take you to the appropriate article.

If you have been thinking about starting a blog, you should download this FREE printable checklist I created for you to help you get started!

Download the Starting a WordPress Blog Checklist

If you dare to explore and jump down the rabbit hole of blogging, I highly recommend my curated Career-Blogging Board on Pinterest for some Blogging Tips! If you want to be a contributor, see the board description to join!

Follow Meredith Greenberg’s board Career – Blogging on Pinterest.

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